1. Enter a SQL query for the SQL script you want to export.
2. Click on the top right corner to activate the Export button.
3. Click on the Export button, then choose a new SQL script name.
4. The query result will be exported as a SQL script.
CREATE TABLE business(year integer, rank integer, company varchar(25), revenue float, profit float);
INSERT INTO "business" VALUES(1999,2,'Ford Motor',144416.0,22071.0);
INSERT INTO "business" VALUES(2000,5,'General Electric',111630.0,10717.0);
INSERT INTO "business" VALUES(2001,1,'Exxon Mobil',210392.0,17720.0);
INSERT INTO "business" VALUES(2001,5,'General Electric',129853.0,12735.0);
INSERT INTO "business" VALUES(2001,6,'Citigroup',111826.0,13519.0);
INSERT INTO "business" VALUES(2001,10,'Verizon Communications',64707.0,11797.0);
INSERT INTO "business" VALUES(2001,41,'Intel',33726.0,10535.0);
INSERT INTO "business" VALUES(2002,2,'Exxon Mobil',191581.0,15320.0);
INSERT INTO "business" VALUES(2002,6,'General Electric',125913.0,13684.0);
INSERT INTO "business" VALUES(2002,7,'Citigroup',112022.0,14126.0);