SuperDraw - Customer Support

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SuperDraw User Guide:

Frequently Asked Questions:

Getting Started

How do I open an image?
How do I copy an image area?
How do I add a title?
How do I draw a graphic?
How do I smart paste a graphic?
How do I print a document?
How do I export as PDF?

Working with Images

How do I import an image?
How do I resize an image?
How do I zoom into an Image?
How do I scale the image content?
How do I rotate the image content?

Working with Text

How do I add a text?
How do I edit a text?
How do I change the font?
How do I change the font size?

Drawing Graphics

How do I draw a rectangle?
How do I enter exact measurements?
How do I change the corner radius?
How do I draw an ellipse?

How do I draw a polygon?
How do I change the polygon shape?
How do I change to a star shape?
How do I change the star sharpness?

How do I draw a line?
How do I draw a curve?
How do I draw a Bézier path?
How do I change the line width?
How do I change to a dashed line?
How do I add an arrow?

Editing Graphics

How do I move a graphic?
How do I resize a graphic?
How do I rotate a graphic?
How do I scale a graphic?
How do I delete a graphic?

How do I change the fill color?
How do I fill with a linear gradient?
How do I fill with a radial gradient?
How do I fill with a texture?

How do I change the stroke color?
How do I change the stroke width?
How do I change the line cap?
How do I change the line join?

Arranging Objects

How do I group objects?
How do I edit a group?
How do I scale a group?
How do I smart paste a group?

How do I bring forward an object?
How do I bring to front an object?
How do I send backward an object?
How do I send to back an object?
How do I lock an object?

Working with Pages and Layers

How do I add a new page?
How do I copy a page?
How do I copy multiple pages?
How do I delete a page?

How do I change the page size?
How do I change the icon size?
How do I change the image size?
How do I change the ad size?

How do I add a new layer?
How do I copy a layer?
How do I hide a layer?
How do I delete a layer?

Working with Grids and Rulers

How do I show the grid?
How do I activate snap to grid?
How do I show the ruler?
How do I change the ruler units?

Converting Text to Paths

How do I convert a text into characters?
How do I convert a character into a path?
How do I convert a shape into a path?

How do I edit a Bézier path?
How do I smart paste a path?
How do I copy a subpath?
How do I delete a subpath?

Adjusting and Filtering Images

How do I adjust the saturation?
How do I adjust the luminosity?
How do I adjust the temperature?
How do I adjust the color balance?

How do I add a black & white filter?
How do I add a sepia image filter?
How do I add a tint image filter?

Working with Presentations

How do I play a presentation?
How do I jump forward a page?
How do I jump back a page?
How do I jump to a page?
How do I change the page duration?

How do I save a copy of a document?
Choose File -> Duplicate, and enter a new document name for the copy.

How do I switch between opened documents?
Click on the window title bar to switch between opened documents.